i 30 Day Book Playlist Challenge, Day 14: Assign Books to a Favorite Song - narfna
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30 Day Book Playlist Challenge, Day 14: Assign Books to a Favorite Song

Ready Player One - Ernest Cline Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré The Fellowship of the Ring  - J.R.R. Tolkien Bridget Jones's Diary - Helen Fielding Where'd You Go, Bernadette -

Day 14: Think of a song you know and love, and do the reverse of Day 9: Assign books to that song. =P


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Lest what happened to me on Day 9* happen to me again, I'm just going to go with the only song I can think of at the moment: "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Whenever this song comes on, it takes over my body and possesses me like a foul little demon. I am notorious for not dancing (mostly because I SUCK DONKEY BALLS AT IT), but this song makes me dance despite myself. Fuck if I know why. I've been using it a lot lately to shake myself out of self-induced funks. It usually works very well.


*Goal for this weekend: MAKE PLAYLIST.


So in the spirit of Day 14, here are some books that make me love them so much it's entirely out of my control, and that make me want get up and take a spin around the room like a weirdo. (I've already used some books that would have fit this challenge on Days 1-13, but I won't repeat them here. Also, I'm saving some for later use on Days 15-30.)


These five books/series cross many genres, but the one thing they all have in common is that I did not expect to fall in love with them (in some cases even like them all that much). It just kind of smacked me in the face, and like Macklemore, it felt completely out of my control.

Source: http://rosepetals1984.booklikes.com/post/670300/a-30-day-book-playlist-challenge-