i 30 Day Book Playlist Challenge, Day 10: Bubblegum Pop - narfna
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Food, books, TV, awesomeness.

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The Anubis Gates (Ace Science Fiction)
Tim Powers
The Thirteenth Tale
Diane Setterfield

30 Day Book Playlist Challenge, Day 10: Bubblegum Pop

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists & The Pirates! In an Adventure with Ahab - Gideon Defoe, Richard Murkin The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists - Gideon Defoe The Pirates! In an Adventure with Napoleon - Gideon Defoe

Day 10: Name a guilty pleasure or mindless read that you loved. (Bubblegum Pop)


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I'm skipping Day 9 for now, because it would have taken me too much time (and is the reason I got behind in the first place). I will get to it eventually, but there was no way it was happening on Saturday, that's for sure.


I'm not a huge fan of mindless reads (and my pleasure reads have nothing at all to do with guilt) so there wasn't as much choice in this one as I thought there would be.


I'm going with The Pirates! books by Gideon Defoe, because although these books are extremely funny and even witty in parts, lord are they silly. How silly? SO SILLY.


If you're ever looking for a quick pick-me-up, look no further. If they don't make you laugh, I don't even know what to do with you.