Sometimes it's just fun to have a reading craving and give in to it. Spend all day reading, only getting up for bathroom breaks and food when necessary. Hell, I'd even support calling in to work (not that I've done this in my recent job -- I haven't -- but I definitely have in past jobs).
But my point is when you check most of your books out of the library to save money, and you only got most of them after an extensive wait, or they have an extensive wait now so if you returned them you'd have to wait to get them back, they go up on the priority list, and even if you'd rather be reading something else at the time, you've got to read these other five books first.
All this is to say that I reeeeeaaalllly want to finally start Outlander. I bought a used copy last year and put it on my "To Read in 2013, Bitch" list* and have been waiting for the right moment to bust it out. It's a frickin long book, and it's a naughty romance, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it any time I read it, but about once a year I go on a romance kick where I just NEED to read romance novels, and I knew it would be that much more satisfying to read it while that was happening. It's like the difference between that time your boyfriend wants to have sex so you do it and it's pretty nice, and the time you see him and you just want to jump on top of him and eat his face off. That was perhaps a bit TMI but you'll see that I don't care by the fact that I did not delete it before publishing. Also, all the articles about the upcoming Starz TV series like this one have not been helping.
*This is an actual Word document saved to my hard drive.
I'm going to try really hard not to let my impatience ruin the upcoming books I'll be reading, because all of them are books that I was really looking forward to at one point or another, and it's not their fault that I'm craving something else right now.
Does anyone else have this problem?