Side Jobs is a collection of short stories and novellas published by Jim Butcher in various anthologies. Each story follows Harry Dresden, Chicago's only Wizard for Hire, on smaller cases in between books (and one case that is from Thomas's POV). The only exception os the last story, which is new for the collection, and takes place about two hours after the ending to Ghost Story (and made me want to go out and read that book immediately . . . sidenote, this story may also be indirectly responsible for me accidentally becoming a criminal).
I think it was very considerate of Butcher to publish these in one place so I don't have to track them down myself (either that or his publisher wanted money and he gets my good will as a side bargain). I really resent when authors publish things in anthologies because it's so hard for me to keep track of everything, which I realize is a horrible and stupid reaction, but I don't care.
Most of these stories are fun little side trips (hence the name) that wouldn't have fit elsewhere in the books (some are a bit shoehorned in, as there are thematic requirements to some of these anthologies, i.e. the star-crossed lovers one with Murphy and Harry). And the very first story of the collection is a bit shaky, not that I'll hold it against it, as it was the very first bit of the Dresden Files Butcher ever wrote, and as he admits in the intro to the story, it's at best an amateur effort and only included for funsies basically. That's probably my favorite part of the collection, actually, is those introductions in front of each story. Well, that and the last story, which is told from Murphy's POV.
If you're a Dresden Files fan, this is a must read. Don't pick this up as an intro to the series. You will be lost and/or not care. Or maybe I'm lying and I just want you to read things in order like a normal person. Wow, this review is weirdly angry. I think I need a snack or something. TOODLES.